Even Worse Streams Potpourri 1
There have been a few random streams that did not fit into any particular spot on the site. Oh no! In the interest of wasting all of your time, here…
There have been a few random streams that did not fit into any particular spot on the site. Oh no! In the interest of wasting all of your time, here…
Let's make some more Wild Arms progress today, April 3, Fate Day. I sought to seek my fate today, so I picked a leaf of Agastia, but all that was…
or, the less eloquent title This F#%&ing S%*#hole In complete contrast to our subject matter, today is is March 27, Candy Day! How many days can someone live on candy?…
If you were enjoying that faux-gospel take on Xenogears, sorry to break kayfabe, but that’s over now. We’re going to take an article to look at Xenogears in a more…