FGC #277 New Super Mario Bros. 2
The greatest trick the hedgehog ever pulled was convincing the world Mario was slow. People naturally think in dualities. For every light, there is darkness. For every day, there is…
The greatest trick the hedgehog ever pulled was convincing the world Mario was slow. People naturally think in dualities. For every light, there is darkness. For every day, there is…
Gaming has grown up over the years, and the generational shift seems… oddly precise. First we have the Atari (and whatever qualified as a videogame before that), which is the…
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves is a NES movie tie-in game. We just covered Home Alone, released the same year, and that was a game that contained one stupid concept…
I’m a thirty something male, which means that, like many of my ilk, it is possible for me to communicate with other humans entirely through Simpsons quotes. I don’t think…