FGC #145 Bayonetta
This old man has a complaint: why does everything have to be cool? Today’s game is Bayonetta. Do I need to explain Bayonetta at all? Since its release six years…
This old man has a complaint: why does everything have to be cool? Today’s game is Bayonetta. Do I need to explain Bayonetta at all? Since its release six years…
If Random ROB was at all predictable, I could have made the previous few entries into some sort of “theme week”. Starting with entry #125, we’ve had, in order… Sonic…
Sonic Rivals is the worst Sonic the Hedgehog game ever made. Yes, it is also the worst Sonic the Hedgehog game made in 2006. Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 is a…
Privilege is a funny thing. The idea of privilege seems to have recently (ish) surfaced as a way to grasp a concept that has been around practically since the dawn…