FGC #489 Breath of Fire 2
Breath of Fire 2 is the story of Ryu, an orphan adventurer who starts out by rescuing a pig from a hungry old man, but eventually graduates to killing god.…
Breath of Fire 2 is the story of Ryu, an orphan adventurer who starts out by rescuing a pig from a hungry old man, but eventually graduates to killing god.…
Here lies the Mega Man X series. Forever may it rest. Let’s get one thing out of the way immediately: Mega Man X is one of my favorite games. Mega…
Your love isn’t real unless it’s physical. Look at most media… Hell… Look at practically the entire breadth of human creative output throughout history. Look at it, and consider how…
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a marvelous game, and, unlike so many recent games, it is amazing almost exclusively for its gameplay. There’s no third act swerve,…