Wild Arms 3 Part 72: Every EX File Key Part 1
We are going to solve the world on October 9, Mountain Day. There once was a master dowsing rodder who could strike water and dig wells. One day, he left…
We are going to solve the world on October 9, Mountain Day. There once was a master dowsing rodder who could strike water and dig wells. One day, he left…
or, the less eloquent title This F#%&ing S%*#hole In complete contrast to our subject matter, today is is March 27, Candy Day! How many days can someone live on candy?…
Previously on Wild Arms 2: Irving is an asshole. But we already knew that. Huh. Guess nothing happened. And that’s just fine! Because now it’s time for… Wild Arms 2’s…
Previously on Wild Arms: This update is posted in memory of Brad Evans, who died as he lived: silently meditating the nature of heroism while actively blowing stuff up. Donations…