Even Worse Streams Fight Night Potpourri 1
Even Worse Streams Potpourri is a little more focused this week, as we have a series of streams where we kicked each other’s asses. The rare stream where more than…
Even Worse Streams Potpourri is a little more focused this week, as we have a series of streams where we kicked each other’s asses. The rare stream where more than…
After venturing through a cave of old wizards, our intrepid heroes find… Location: Jeremi What’s the deal: Jeremi is, like most towns on the west coast of Legaia, something of…
Who is next on the hitlist in Legend of Legaia? This week we are fighting at… Location: Biron Monastery What’s the deal: The monks of Biron Monastery have religiously shunned…
So maybe the good old days weren’t always good. Particularly when days would last forever… Even back at the beginning of the medium, videogames have continually utilized a timer system…