FGC #653 RWBY: Arrowfell
Random ROB chose RWBY: Arrowfell for today’s featured game. As that is a licensed title featuring an all-female cast in an anime-esque universe, it has been decided that we must…
Random ROB chose RWBY: Arrowfell for today’s featured game. As that is a licensed title featuring an all-female cast in an anime-esque universe, it has been decided that we must…
Now for the tale of two separate and incredibly unequal videogames. And, uh, don’t worry. Both games contain dinosaur-dragons, so that should keep your interest. In 1996, Capcom released Red…
For a time, Street Fighter 2 dominated the arcades. Approximately seven seconds after Guile delivered his first sonic boom, the fighting genre took off like a hadouken, and every producer…