FGC #069 Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers
Stumbling around the forgotten past of gaming can be surprising sometimes. Today, by Random ROB decree, I played Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers for the Sega Genesis. I’ve had an… odd…
Stumbling around the forgotten past of gaming can be surprising sometimes. Today, by Random ROB decree, I played Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers for the Sega Genesis. I’ve had an… odd…
You read the title, now a few caveats. One: I will not be discussing Final Fantasy Fashion. I, myself, am not a fashionaaabluh man. I know this about myself, and…
Q. What is Kingdom Hearts’ Lady Problem? A. Answering this question initially took a while to write, because, frankly, I didn’t know where to begin. The basic statement here is…
You only get one childhood, so it is equally impossible for me to relate to a generation that spent its afternoons watching Howdy Doody (don’t GIS that) as the current…