FGC #138 Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000
If you’ve been reading this site sequentially, first of all, I am so sorry. Secondly, one thing you may have noticed is that I seem to review a lot of…
If you’ve been reading this site sequentially, first of all, I am so sorry. Secondly, one thing you may have noticed is that I seem to review a lot of…
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I consider my videogame library to be a history of video gaming. Now, this may just be a justification dribbled out…
It’s always fascinating to consider what takes priority in developing any given game. Think about it: save rare, generally Kickstarter related situations, it is highly unusual for the general public…
The most first world problem there is today is that we (I assume that if you’re reading this video game blog you are firmly entrenched in the first world) have…