FGC #241 Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi
Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi is a 1990 Sega Genesis game primarily based on Shadow Dancer, a 1989 arcade game. Given the era, SD:TSoS is very light on dialogue…
Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi is a 1990 Sega Genesis game primarily based on Shadow Dancer, a 1989 arcade game. Given the era, SD:TSoS is very light on dialogue…
It’s the things that you don’t even notice that make a genre. Let’s look at Street Fighter. And, yes, in this case I am talking about Street Fighter 1, arguably…
I never fault a videogame for being formulaic. Okay, that’s probably a lie, I’m sure some of my loyal readers are anxious to remind me of all the times I’ve…
Now this is a launch title. The Nintendo Gamecube was released my freshman year of college. While I was lucky enough to secure a cabal group of lifelong friends early…