Superman: Man of Games 10: Lego Batman 2
This week, Superman must share the limelight with his brave and/or bold buddy, Batman. Also, everyone is a Lego minifig. Maybe I should have mentioned that first? Lego Batman 2:…
This week, Superman must share the limelight with his brave and/or bold buddy, Batman. Also, everyone is a Lego minifig. Maybe I should have mentioned that first? Lego Batman 2:…
Superman by himself just isn’t working out. Let’s team up with (most) of the stars of the Justice League animated series. But not Justice League Unlimited! That would be too…
Superman got a movie! And that movie got a videogame! Eventually! At least it was available in time for the DVD release… Superman Returns 2006 Electronic Arts Tiburon Xbox, Xbox…
The Xbox has its own private Superman game that has not been ported elsewhere. It isn’t even backwards compatible with future Xbox consoles. And is it any good? No! ……