Fustian Gaming Challenge
Q. Well what’s all this then?
A. The Fustian Gaming Challenge is all about playing a randomly chosen video game, and then writing about it in some way. Simple as that.
Q. Randomly chosen?
A. I own a number of video games across a number of video game systems. Because I am a turbo-nerd, I have all of these games organized in a database. Random ROB here chooses a game at random from said database, and that, as we say, is that.
Q. How often does the challenge occur?
A. New articles are persistently appearing on Fridays. Check for one every week at 9 AM or so.
Q. Do you play each game to completion?
A. Oh my no. At minimum, I play each game for an hour. Depending on the fun involved, this number can dramatically increase, but there’s no way I would be able to play through most any game released after 1995 so often. There are only so many hours in a day…
Q. So you’re reviewing these games?
A. Nah. I’m sure some articles will present themselves like reviews, but I’m not limiting how I write about a given game. Be prepared for completely meandering anecdotes tangentially related to the game at hand, or perhaps a haiku or two. Maybe we’ll go with a coloring book? I don’t know, whatever strikes my fancy.
Q. Spoilers?
A. Assume that if I am covering a game, I am going to spoil the game and every game ever related to it. Fast and loose here. If a game is particularly recent or “story based” (ie known for its twists), I will likely throw up an additional warning.
Q. Where did all these pictures come from?
A. Unless otherwise noted, all images are captured by yours truly, often at the time I was playing the game for the article you’re reading. It’s like you’re playing that game with me! Yay!
Q. Is there an index of FGC articles?
A. You can either check the formal Post Index for the site, or just scope out the list below.
- 03/21 : FGC #696 Blade Chimera
- 03/14 : A Quick Word about Pokémon Go 03
- 03/07 : FGC #695 Visions of Mana
- 02/28 : FGC #694 Trials of Mana 3D
- 02/21 : FGC #693 Secret of Mana
- 02/14 : WW #17 Hentai Games Collection
- 02/07 : FGC #692 Action Video Monopoly
- 01/31 : FGC #691 Gauntlet IV
- 01/17 : FGC #689 Bakeru
- 01/10 : FGC #688 Ninja Gaiden
- 01/03 : Year in Review: 2024
- 12/27 : FGC #687 The Legend of Santa
- 12/20 : FGC #686 StarTropics
- 11/29 : FGC #683 Beavis and Butt-Head
- 11/15 : FGC #681 Kwirk
- 11/08 : FGC #680 The Immortal
- 11/04 : FGC #679 Mortal Kombat 2
- 11/01 : FGC #678 Hebereke
- 10/04 : FGC #674 Gunbird 2
- 09/27 : FGC #673 Astro Bot
- 09/06 : FGC #670 Hi-Fi Rush
- 08/16 : FGC #667 Marvel Super Heroes
- 08/02 : FGC #665 Little Kitty, Big City
- 07/26 : FGC #664 Gargoyles Remastered
- 07/19 : FGC #663 Lunar: Dragon Song
- 07/12 : FGC #662 Toobin’
- 07/05 : FGC #661 Final Fantasy 2
- 06/28 : FGC #660 Battle Chess
- 06/21 : FGC #659 Batman: The Video Game
- 12/29 : Year in Review: 2023
- 12/22 : FGC #657 Breath of Fire
- 06/30 : FGC #654 Them’s Fightin’ Herds
- 06/23 : FGC #653 RWBY: Arrowfell
- 06/16 : FGC #652 Gungrave: Overdose
- 02/15 : WW #15 Wife Quest
- 01/20 : FGC #651 Goat Simulator 3
- 01/06 : FGC #649 E.V.O.: Search for Eden
- 12/30 : Year in Review: 2022
- 12/16 : FGC #647 Final Fantasy 10
- 12/09 : FGC #646 Killer Instinct (2013)
- 11/25 : FGC #644 Pocky & Rocky Reshrined
- 11/18 : FGC #643 Elden Ring
- 11/11 : FGC #642 Portal 2
- 11/04 : FGC #641 God of War 3
- 10/28 : FGC #640 Resident Evil 4
- 10/14 : FGC #638 Mega Man Legends 2
- 09/30 : FGC #636 Conker’s Bad Fur Day
- 09/23 : FGC #635 Rocket Knight
- 09/16 : FGC #634 Martial Champion
- 09/09 : FGC #633 Sonic CD
- 09/02 : FGC #632 Pac-Land
- 08/05 : FGC #628 Popeye
- 03/28 : FGC #624 Food Fight
- 03/14 : FGC #622 Infernax
- 03/07 : FGC #621 Pokémon Legends: Arceus
- 02/07 : FGC #618 Body Harvest
- 01/31 : FGC #617 Astro Boy: Omega Factor
- 01/17 : FGC #615 Cruis’n Blast
- 01/03 : Year in Review: 2021
- 11/29 : FGC #609 Zero Wing
- 11/22 : FGC #608 Metroid Dread
- 11/15 : FGC #607 Metroid
- 11/08 : FGC #606 Mega Man Legends
- 11/01 : FGC #605 Curses ‘N Chaos
- 10/18 : FGC #603 Dante’s Inferno
- 10/04 : FGC #601 Psychonauts 2
- 09/06 : FGC #597 BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL!
- 08/30 : FGC #596 Mega Man X7
- 08/23 : FGC #595 New Pokémon Snap
- 08/16 : FGC #594 Aero Fighters 2
- 08/02 : FGC #592 Muse Dash
- 07/19 : FGC #590 Final Fight: Streetwise
- 06/07 : FGC #584 Avengers in the 1990’s
- 05/24 : FGC #582 Game & Watch Gallery
- 05/10 : FGC #580 Mega Man Powered Up
- 05/03 : FGC #579 Guacamelee! 2
- 04/19 : FGC #577 Rock n’ Roll Racing
- 04/12 : FGC #576 Contra
- 04/05 : FGC #575 Big Bird’s Egg Catch
- 03/15 : FGC #572 Night Trap
- 03/08 : FGC #571 Shock Troopers
- 03/01 : FGC #570 Final Fight
- 02/22 : FGC #569 Battletoads (2020)
- 02/19 : FGC #568 Wild Guns (Reloaded)
- 02/12 : WW #13 Gun Gun Pixies
- 02/08 : WW #12 Panty Party
- 02/05 : FGC #566 Rockin’ Kats
- 01/22 : FGC #562 Q*Bert
- 01/15 : FGC #560 Einhänder
- 01/08 : FGC #558 Mappy Land
- 01/01 : Year in Review: 2020
- 12/11 : FGC #554 Pokémon Go
- 12/04 : FGC #552 Smarty Pants
- 11/13 : FGC #546 Jet Set Radio
- 11/09 : FGC #545 Bangai-O Spirits
- 11/06 : FGC #544 Combat
- 11/02 : FGC #543 Mario’s Tennis
- 10/30 : FGC #542 Splatterhouse (2010)
- 10/26 : FGC #541 Splatterhouse
- 10/23 : FGC #540 Avenging Spirit
- 10/16 : FGC #538 Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
- 10/12 : FGC #537 PaRappa the Rapper 2
- 10/09 : FGC #536 Super Mario Bros. 35
- 10/02 : FGC #534 Limbo
- 09/28 : FGC #533 Tekken Tag Tournament 2
- 09/25 : FGC #532 Crazy Taxi
- 09/14 : FGC #529 Banjo-Kazooie
- 09/11 : FGC #528 Adventure
- 09/04 : FGC #526 Final Fantasy 7 Remake
- 08/31 : FGC #525 Parodius
- 08/24 : FGC #523 Blues Brothers 2000
- 08/21 : FGC #522 R-Type (Dimensions)
- 08/10 : FGC #519 (Super) Smash TV
- 08/07 : FGC #518 Cannon Spike
- 08/03 : FGC #517 Retro Game Challenge
- 07/31 : FGC #516 Celeste
- 07/20 : FGC #513 Willow
- 07/17 : FGC #512 Crystal Castles
- 07/10 : FGC #510 The Simpsons (Arcade)
- 07/06 : FGC #509 Wheel of Fortune
- 07/03 : FGC #508 Chocobo Racing
- 06/29 : FGC #507 Kill la Kill –IF
- 06/26 : FGC #506 Gunstar Super Heroes
- 06/15 : FGC #503 Final Fantasy 5
- 06/12 : FGC #502 Day Dreamin’ Davey
- 06/08 : FGC #501 Alundra
- 06/05 : FGC #500 Mortal Kombat 11
- 06/01 : FGC #499 Ballz
- 05/29 : FGC #498 DK: King of Swing
- 05/18 : FGC #496 Puyo Puyo Tetris
- 05/06 : FGC #493 Alien vs. Predator
- 04/27 : FGC #490 Dig Dug
- 04/22 : FGC #489 Breath of Fire 2
- 04/20 : FGC #488 Sonic the Hedgehog 2
- 04/15 : FGC #487 Super Mario Bros. 2
- 04/06 : FGC #484 Mr. Do! Arcade Classic
- 04/01 : FGC #483 Fantasia
- 03/30 : FGC #482 Gradius V
- 03/25 : FGC #481 Mega Man ZX Advent
- 03/23 : FGC #480 Three Dirty Dwarves
- 03/16 : FGC #478 Popful Mail
- 03/11 : FGC #477 Stretch Panic
- 03/09 : FGC #476 Final Fantasy 9
- 03/04 : FGC #475 Contra 4
- 03/02 : FGC #474 Pimp My Ride
- 02/24 : FGC #473 Dragon Warrior 4
- 02/10 : WW #11 Peach Ball: Senran Kagura
- 01/27 : FGC #470 Donkey Kong
- 01/20 : FGC #469 Pokémon Sword & Shield
- 01/13 : FGC #468 Shovel Knight
- 01/06 : FGC #467 Street Fighter 5
- 12/30 : Year in Review: 2019
- 12/23 : FGC #466 Mario Paint
- 12/16 : FGC #465 Tetrisphere
- 12/09 : FGC #464 Pokémon Snap
- 12/02 : FGC #463 Kirby’s Dream Land 3
- 11/25 : FGC #462 Soulcalibur 6
- 11/18 : FGC #461 Space Harrier
- 11/11 : FGC #460 Final Fantasy Legend 3
- 10/21 : FGC #457 Blazing Dragons
- 10/14 : FGC #456 Asura’s Wrath
- 10/11 : FGC #455 Weaponlord
- 10/09 : FGC #454 C2: Judgment Clay
- 10/07 : FGC #453 Killer Instinct
- 10/04 : FGC #452 Time Killers
- 09/30 : FGC #450 Mortal Kombat
- 09/23 : FGC #449 Cave Story
- 09/09 : FGC #447 We
- 07/15 : FGC #439 Trials of Mana
- 07/08 : FGC #438 Fire Emblem Awakening
- 07/01 : FGC #437 Super Princess Peach
- 06/03 : FGC #433 Castlevania: Bloodlines
- 05/20 : FGC #431 Super Mario Maker
- 05/06 : FGC #429 Mega Man: The Wily Wars
- 04/22 : FGC #427 Yume Penguin Monogatari
- 04/08 : FGC #425 Kingdom Hearts 3
- 04/01 : FGC #424 Brain Dead 13
- 12/03 : FGC #423 Super Smash Bros.
- 11/19 : FGC #421 Saints Row 4
- 11/05 : FGC #419 Super Alfred Chicken
- 10/22 : FGC #417 Mega Man 11
- 10/15 : FGC #416 Bioshock Infinite
- 05/18 : FGC #415 Congo’s Caper
- 05/16 : FGC #414 Joe & Mac
- 05/14 : FGC #413 Bonk’s Revenge
- 04/27 : FGC #412 Metroid: Other M
- 04/20 : FGC #409 Kirby Star Allies
- 04/16 : FGC #407 Knuckles’ Chaotix
- 04/13 : FGC #406 Beyond the Beyond
- 04/11 : FGC #405 Duck Dynasty
- 04/04 : FGC #402 Metal Head
- 04/02 : FGC #401 Final Fantasy 3 (DS)
- 03/23 : FGC #400.0 NieR
- 03/21 : FGC #399 Pocket Tennis Color
- 03/19 : FGC #398 Jr. Pac-Man
- 03/16 : FGC #397 Friday the 13th (NES)
- 03/14 : FGC #396 Centipede: Infestation
- 03/09 : FGC #394 Young Justice: Legacy
- 03/02 : FGC #391 Star Fox 64 3D
- 02/28 : FGC #390 Darkstalkers 3
- 02/26 : FGC #389 Super Mario 3D World
- 02/23 : FGC #388 Secret of Mana (2018)
- 02/19 : FGC #386 Oscar’s Trash Race
- 02/16 : WW #10 Persona 5
- 02/14 : WW #09 Drive Girls
- 02/12 : WW #08 School Girl/Zombie Hunter
- 02/09 : FGC #385 God of War 2
- 02/02 : FGC #382 Dragon Ball FighterZ
- 01/31 : FGC #381 Diddy Kong Racing
- 01/26 : FGC #379 Fable 2
- 01/24 : FGC #378 MorphX
- 01/22 : FGC #377 Dragon Warrior
- 01/19 : FGC #376 Ghostbusters (NES)
- 01/15 : FGC #374 Destroy All Humans!
- 01/05 : FGC #370 Mighty Bomb Jack
- 01/03 : FGC #369 Ninja Master’s
- 01/01 : Year in Review: 2017
- 12/29 : FGC #368 Ultra Street Fighter 4
- 12/27 : FGC #367 Mega Man X8
- 12/25 : FGC #366 Snowboard Kids
- 12/13 : FGC #361 Psychic Force 2012
- 12/11 : FGC #360 Monster Rancher
- 12/06 : FGC #358 Feel the Magic XY/XX
- 12/04 : FGC #357 Um Jammer Lammy
- 11/24 : FGC #353 Metal Slug 3
- 11/22 : FGC #352 Bloody Roar 3
- 11/10 : FGC #350 Super Mario Odyssey
- 11/08 : FGC #349 Tetris Axis
- 11/06 : FGC #348 Anarchy Reigns
- 11/03 : FGC #347 Space Invaders
- 11/01 : FGC #346 Taito Legends
- 10/30 : FGC #345 Ghouls ‘n Ghosts
- 10/23 : FGC #342 Taiko: Drum Master
- 10/18 : FGC #340 Tekken 3
- 10/13 : FGC #338 Pilotwings Resort
- 10/06 : FGC #336 World Heroes Anthology
- 09/29 : FGC #333 Ex-Mutants
- 09/25 : FGC #331 Super Mario Galaxy 2
- 09/18 : FGC #328 Metroid: Samus Returns
- 09/13 : FGC #326 Rolling Thunder 2
- 09/04 : FGC #322 Final Fantasy
- 09/01 : FGC #321 WarioWare Touched!
- 08/21 : FGC #316 Injustice 2
- 08/18 : FGC #315 Sonic Generations
- 08/16 : FGC #314 Kung Fu
- 08/14 : FGC #313 C: The Contra Adventure
- 08/11 : FGC #312 Tomba!
- 08/04 : FGC #309 Excitebike
- 08/02 : FGC #308 Etrian Mystery Dungeon
- 07/31 : FGC #307 Disney Infinity 3.0
- 07/28 : FGC #306 King of Fighters 2006
- 07/26 : FGC #305 Bubble Bobble
- 07/24 : FGC #304 Pokémon X/Y
- 07/21 : FGC #303 NieR: Automata
- 07/17 : FGC #301 Adventure Island 3
- 07/07 : FGC #299 Kendo Rage
- 07/05 : FGC #298 Rumble Roses
- 07/03 : FGC #297 Uniracers
- 06/28 : FGC #295 Sunset Riders
- 06/26 : FGC #294 Skullmonkeys
- 06/23 : FGC #293 WTF: Work Time Fun
- 06/21 : FGC #292 Brutal Paws of Fury
- 06/16 : FGC #290 Virtual Boy Wario Land
- 06/14 : FGC #289 Altered Beast
- 06/12 : FGC #288 Persona 5
- 06/09 : FGC #287 Pac-Man (Gameboy)
- 06/05 : FGC #285 Mortal Kombat (2011)
- 06/02 : FGC #284 Drakengard 3
- 05/31 : FGC #283 Paperboy (N64)
- 05/29 : FGC #282 Breath of Fire 3
- 05/26 : FGC #281 Doom (32X)
- 05/24 : FGC #280 Super Troll Islands
- 05/22 : FGC #279 The Walking Dead
- 05/17 : FGC #277 New Super Mario Bros. 2
- 05/12 : FGC #275 Mega Man X3
- 05/10 : FGC #274 Arcana Heart
- 05/05 : FGC #272 Nintendo Land
- 05/03 : FGC #271 Shinobi (PS2)
- 05/01 : FGC #270 Kickle Cubicle
- 04/26 : FGC #268 Mario Bros. (Atari)
- 04/24 : FGC #267 Home Alone (NES)
- 04/17 : FGC #264 Fighters Megamix
- 04/07 : FGC #261 Spice World
- 04/05 : FGC #260 Giga Wing
- 04/03 : FGC #259 Strider 2
- 03/31 : FGC #258 Vigilante 8
- 03/29 : FGC #257 Waku Waku 7
- 03/27 : FGC #256 Pac-Man 256
- 03/24 : FGC #255 Super Mario 3D Land
- 03/22 : FGC #254 Streets of Rage 2
- 03/17 : FGC #252 Kid Icarus: Uprising
- 03/13 : FGC #250 Kid Icarus
- 03/08 : FGC #248 Cruis’n USA
- 03/06 : FGC #247 Gravity Rush
- 03/03 : FGC #246 Wii Sports
- 03/01 : FGC #245 Super Bomberman 2
- 02/24 : FGC #243 Dragon’s Lair (NES)
- 02/22 : FGC #242 DJ Hero
- 02/17 : WW #05 Ladies’ Night
- 02/15 : WW #03 Senran Kagura (Franchise)
- 02/13 : WW #01 Welcome to Wankery Week!
- 02/08 : FGC #239 Bobby is Going Home
- 02/03 : FGC #237 Elite Beat Agents
- 02/01 : FGC #236 Guilty Gear Isuka
- 01/30 : FGC #235 Metroid: Zero Mission
- 01/25 : FGC #233 Bubsy 3D
- 01/23 : FGC #232 War Gods
- 01/20 : FGC #231 Scooby-Doo Mystery
- 01/13 : FGC #228 Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
- 01/09 : FGC #226 Super Monkey Ball
- 01/02 : FGC #223 Lollipop Chainsaw
- 12/30 : Year in Review: 2016
- 12/28 : FGC #222 Out to Lunch
- 12/26 : FGC #221 INXS: Make My Video
- 12/23 : FGC #220 Mega Man X2
- 12/19 : FGC #218 Skate or Die!
- 12/14 : FGC #216 Code of Princess
- 12/09 : FGC #214 Deathsmiles
- 12/05 : FGC #212 The Tick
- 11/30 : FGC #210 Time Gal
- 11/18 : FGC #206 Bushido Blade
- 11/16 : FGC #205 Psychonauts
- 11/14 : FGC #204 Dragon’s Crown
- 11/11 : FGC #203 Paper Mario
- 11/09 : FGC #202 Plok
- 11/07 : FGC #201 Mega Man Zero 4
- 10/28 : FGC #200 Wayne’s World
- 10/26 : FGC #199 Tetris Blast
- 10/24 : FGC #198 DuckTales: Remastered
- 10/19 : FGC #196 Back to the Future
- 10/17 : FGC #195 Drill Dozer
- 10/14 : FGC #194 Castlevania
- 10/12 : FGC #193 SNK Gals’ Fighters
- 10/10 : FGC #192 Every Extend Extra
- 10/05 : FGC #190 Street Fighter EX3
- 09/30 : FGC #188 GoldenEye 007
- 09/26 : FGC #186 Pokémon Blue/Red
- 09/19 : FGC #184 Milon’s Secret Castle
- 09/16 : FGC #183 Super Punch-Out!!
- 09/12 : FGC #181 Splatoon
- 09/06 : FGC #177 Ehrgeiz
- 09/05 : FGC #176 Final Fantasy 7
- 09/02 : FGC #175 Herc’s Adventures
- 08/31 : FGC #174 Wolverine
- 08/29 : FGC #173 Super Scope 6
- 08/26 : FGC #172 Pinball Quest
- 08/24 : FGC #171 B.O.B.
- 08/19 : FGC #169 Venetica
- 08/17 : FGC #168 Mega Man IV
- 08/15 : FGC #167 Adventures of Lolo 2
- 08/12 : FGC #166 Project X Zone 2
- 08/08 : FGC #164 F-Zero X
- 08/03 : FGC #162 X-Men
- 08/01 : FGC #161 Athena
- 07/25 : FGC #158 Family Dog
- 07/22 : FGC #157 Kinect Star Wars
- 07/20 : FGC #156 Midway Arcade Origins
- 07/18 : FGC #155 Sword of Mana
- 07/15 : FGC #154 Kirby Triple Deluxe
- 07/13 : FGC #153 Soulcalibur 3
- 07/11 : FGC #152 Earthworm Jim
- 07/01 : FGC #151 Super Mario Bros. 3
- 06/24 : FGC #148 Mighty No. 9
- 06/22 : FGC #147 Metroid Prime Pinball
- 06/20 : FGC #146 X-Kaliber 2097
- 06/17 : FGC #145 Bayonetta
- 06/15 : FGC #144 Under the Skin
- 06/13 : FGC #143 Rayman Raving Rabbids
- 06/10 : FGC #142 Wario World
- 06/08 : FGC #141 Sqoon
- 06/06 : FGC #140 ActRaiser
- 06/03 : FGC #139 Mega Man
- 05/30 : FGC #137 Bionic Commando
- 05/25 : FGC #135 Amagon
- 05/20 : FGC #133 Ultimate Nintendo Remix
- 05/16 : FGC #131 Gunstar Heroes
- 05/13 : FGC #130 Mario vs. Donkey Kong
- 05/09 : FGC #128 Metroid Fusion
- 05/02 : FGC #125 Sonic Rivals
- 04/29 : FGC #124 Intellivision Lives!
- 04/25 : FGC #122 Bravely Default
- 04/22 : FGC #121 Chameleon Twist
- 04/15 : FGC #118 Catherine
- 04/13 : FGC #117 Felix the Cat
- 04/08 : FGC #115 Kangaroo
- 04/06 : FGC #114 Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
- 04/04 : FGC #113 Karnov
- 04/01 : FGC #112 Mega Man’s Soccer
- 03/28 : FGC #110 Primal Rage
- 03/23 : FGC #108 Bubsy 2
- 03/21 : FGC #107 Fable 3
- 03/18 : FGC #106 Street Fighter Alpha 2
- 03/16 : FGC #105 MTV Remote Control
- 03/14 : FGC #104 Prince of Persia (2008)
- 03/11 : FGC #103 Dig Dug: Digging Strike
- 03/09 : FGC #102 The Legend of Zelda
- 02/26 : FGC #100 Spectacular!
- 02/19 : FGC #097 Kid Chameleon
- 02/15 : FGC #095 Demon’s Crest
- 02/12 : FGC #094 Saints Row: The Third
- 02/10 : FGC #093 Dynamite Cop!
- 02/08 : FGC #092 Rampart
- 02/05 : FGC #091 M*A*S*H
- 02/01 : FGC #089 Road Runner
- 01/29 : FGC #088 Skullgirls
- 01/22 : FGC #085 Mad Maestro!
- 01/20 : FGC #084 Revolution X
- 01/18 : FGC #083 Sonic Adventure
- 01/15 : FGC #082 Tekken 4
- 01/13 : FGC #081 Toki: Going Ape Spit
- 01/11 : FGC #080 Zool 2
- 01/08 : Year in Review: 2015
- 01/06 : The Gaming 5 #5 Mother 3
- 01/01 : The Gaming 5 #3 Gitaroo Man
- 12/30 : The Gaming 5 #2 Super Metroid
- 12/28 : The Gaming 5 #1 Mega Man X
- 12/21 : FGC #078 NeoGeo Battle Coliseum
- 12/18 : FGC #077 Final Fantasy 12
- 12/16 : FGC #076 Star Wars (Arcade)
- 12/14 : FGC #075 Super Star Wars
- 12/09 : FGC #073 Claymates
- 12/07 : FGC #072 Hologram Time Traveler
- 12/04 : FGC #071 Namco Museum Megamix
- 12/02 : FGC #070 Ninja Gaiden III
- 11/25 : FGC #067 Xenoblade Chronicles
- 11/23 : FGC #066 Gradius III
- 11/20 : FGC #065 Any Clock Tower
- 11/18 : FGC #064 Elevator Action 2
- 11/16 : FGC #063 Hybrid Heaven
- 11/11 : FGC #061 Bangai-O
- 11/06 : FGC #059 Final Fight 2
- 11/04 : FGC #058 Mischief Makers
- 10/30 : FGC #056 Super Ghouls ‘n Ghosts
- 10/26 : FGC #054 Digimon Rumble Arena
- 10/19 : FGC #051 Super Mario Land
- 10/07 : FGC #049 Fester’s Quest
- 10/02 : FGC #047 Maximo: Ghosts to Glory
- 09/30 : FGC #046 Krion Conquest
- 09/23 : FGC #043.2 Final Fantasy 4
- 09/21 : FGC #043.1 Final Fantasy 4
- 09/18 : FGC #042 Toejam & Earl
- 09/16 : FGC #041 Kolibri
- 09/11 : FGC #039 Yoshi’s Story
- 09/04 : FGC #036 Battle Monsters
- 09/02 : FGC #035 Punch-Out!! (Wii)
- 08/28 : FGC #033 A Boy and his Blob
- 08/26 : FGC #032 Super Mario Sunshine
- 08/24 : FGC #031 Darkwing Duck
- 08/21 : FGC #030 Rampage Through Time
- 08/19 : FGC #029 Hyrule Warriors
- 08/14 : FGC #027 Sega Superstars Tennis
- 08/12 : FGC #026 Final Fantasy 8
- 08/10 : FGC #025 Dino City
- 08/07 : FGC #024 Battletoads
- 08/05 : FGC #023 Blast Corps
- 08/03 : FGC #022 Solar Jetman
- 07/31 : FGC #021 Galactic Pinball
- 07/24 : FGC #018 Ecco the Dolphin
- 07/22 : FGC #017 Dick Tracy
- 07/15 : FGC #014 Persona 4 Golden
- 07/13 : FGC #013 Sonic the Hedgehog
- 07/10 : FGC #012 Otomedius Excellent
- 07/06 : FGC #010 Ice Climber
- 07/03 : FGC #009 Donkey Kong Country
- 06/29 : FGC #007 Rygar
- 06/26 : FGC #006 Batman: Arkham City
- 06/25 : FGC #005 Yoshi Touch & Go
- 06/22 : FGC #004 Mortal Kombat Trilogy
- 06/19 : FGC #003 Mega Man V
- 06/17 : FGC #002 Fighter’s History
- 06/15 : FGC #001 Double Dragon