A Quick Word about Pokémon Go 03
We interrupt our regular schedule this week to address breaking news and bring "a quick word about Pokémon Go" that somehow ballooned out to 3,000 words. Sorry! I have a…
We interrupt our regular schedule this week to address breaking news and bring "a quick word about Pokémon Go" that somehow ballooned out to 3,000 words. Sorry! I have a…
Way way back in the 1980s, French philosopher Jean Baudrillard published Sumulacra and Simulation, a treatise that was meant to explain the fabric of reality. At a time when television…
We just spent fifteen weeks talking about Superman games, let's look at a few Superman comics for a change. Due to wrapping up college and thus having an unexpected wealth…
I saw I Saw the TV Glow. I really want to say something pithy like “Excellent documentary of being a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan, five stars.” However, I literally…