Superman reaches his videogame finale (for now) at Happy Harbor with the Justice League. And he’s adorable! Yay!
DC’s Justice League: Cosmic Chaos
PHL Collective / Outright Games
Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, Xbox X|S, PC
Available Superpowers:
- Flight
- Heat Vision
- Ice Breath
- Super Strength
- An Excellent Driver
Noted Opponents:
- Mr. Mxyzptlik
- Starro
- Clayface
- Blue Snowman
- Bizarro
- Poison Ivy
- Ares
- Lobo (kinda)
Is Superman Invincible?
No, and we are blaming magic again for that one. However, you can switch into “Story Mode” difficulty, and then everybody is superhero-appropriate invincible. Even Batman! Assume he is just expertly parrying everything.
Is Superman Homicidal?
Opponents are either supervillains, magical beasts, or fish people. So not only is Superman not homicidal, he is letting robots off the hook this time.
Is it any fun?
God help us all: this might be the best Superman game we played after 22 other adventures. And it is only not the definitive best because playing as Bizarro once left an impression! Aside from the handicap of not being able to bowl the Daily Planet building down canals, this is just plain fun all around, and the story/dialogue/Dana Snyder of it all provides an amazing presentation.
Charm Point
Every goddamned second of this thing is charming. An excellent finale for Superman: Man of Games (that usually aren’t this good).
Even Worse Streams Presents Superman
Night 14
June 18, 2024
Random Notes:
- Tonight we have the usual cast of BEAT, fanboymaster, Chromes, Mags, and myself, and special guest Jason Corbett, the Mid Level Game Designer for this very game. Now let’s get down to business! You can’t stay mad at Gamer Batman!
- “Cyborg has turbo teen’ed in the past.”
- Jason is a fan of Booster Gold and the Hanna-Barbera– DC crossover comics. We are in good hands.
As Superman battles along the boardwalk, Jason explains the voice actor choices for the game and the many ways they were exemplary.
- … And then there may have been a slight glitch that caused the game to crash. Thank you for autosaves!
- It is stream head canon that Blue Snowman is scheming through crypto-mining. We have word of god support!
- Licensors will always have strange ideas about their licenses… Ponder that as I guide Superman to stealing a car.
- We check out the excellent costumes available. These costumes do not cost real-world money, and we are noting that because we are still mad at Multiversus.
- Mr. Mxyzptlik is the star of the show here, so we talk about his greatest hits while clearing out a sewer level.
- Caliscrub joins and notes that I am a known cheater.
- We’ve cleaned the graffiti out of the sewers, but the best graffiti in the game is on the backside of the Happy Harbor high school.
- There are apparently plans to “clockwork orange” me into playing more Tekken’s Nina Williams in Death by Degrees. What have I done to deserve this?
- A DLC expansion was apparently planned for this game. It was supposed to be a rogue-like with Aquaman, Cyborg, and the Flash working through Solomon Grundy’s mind. This sounds amazing.
- Lobo is here! He has his own cool bar!
- “We just wanted Mxy to do mayoral things.”
Angry voicemail messages led to both Boomhauer of King of the Hill and Master Shake of Not Technically This Game.
- Mxy-Tary loves government bureaucracy and game shows.
- Cassandralyn joins as Wonder Woman attempts Takeshi’s Castle.
- When Batman marches at Pride, you know he wears his rainbow duds.
- As we wrap up another trip through the sewers, we thank Jason and lament the existence of Injustice 2. Caliscrub still likes Gameboy Color Superman.
- And we call it after confirming John Stewart is the best. Thanks to our special guest star again!
Next, on the final issue of Superman: To be continued.