This week, Superman must share the limelight with his brave and/or bold buddy, Batman. Also, everyone is a Lego minifig. Maybe I should have mentioned that first?
Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
Traveller’s Tales
Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Wii, WiiU, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, Playstation Vita, Mobile
Available Superpowers:
- Flight (unlimited)
- Super Strength (ground pound)
- Heat Vision (unlimited)
- Freeze Breath (unlimited)
- X-Ray Vision
- Super Speed (can build stuff really fast)
Noted Opponents:
- Lex Luthor
- LexBot
- Joker
- Harley Quinn
- Catwoman
- General Zod (cameo)
- Brainiac (cameo)
Is Superman Invincible?
Yes! Health isn’t all that important in a Lego game (death is barely a temporary setback), but Superman straight up has (Man of) steel-colored hearts that do not deplete. You can steer Supes into a raging inferno and experience exactly zero repercussions!
Is Superman Homicidal?
Basic Lego thugs are knocked into their component pieces by our “hero”. Of course, this universe makes it clear that nobody ever actually gets hurt, so it is possible Superman is literally incapable of murder here, accidental or otherwise.
Is it any fun?
Pretty much. The Traveller’s Tales Lego games are basically beat ‘em ups with puzzles, and this one is no different. We are a little reliant on Batman choosing his costumes, but it is otherwise a good time with DC superheroes.
Charm Point
Really digging how the closed captions appear like faux comic speech bubbles throughout cinema scenes. Also: just happy to finally play a Superman game with captions.
Even Worse Streams Presents Superman
Night 10
May 21, 2024
Random Notes:
- BEAT is going to become the Joker. I feel like that has maybe happened before? Also, we’ve got fanboymaster, Cassandralyn, and myself. Cass is 100% familiar with tonight’s genre for a change!
- “Is that the game with the Brickster?” “Yes, it is the game with the Brickster.” “I don’t know who the Brickster is.”
- As we finish the first (long) level, BEAT recounts his assessments of which streaming service is for which person. Apple TV folks are up in arms.
- Ample Vigour joins as we agree Alan Tudyk should wear a chicken mask.
Fallout: Not for Assholes is on streaming. Also, do not allow four-year-olds to swear about Super Metroid.
- Superman finally arrives! Hooray! Only took an hour!
- It is confirmed: Goggle Bob wants Lego Booster Gold.
- Just as Lex Luthor jailbreaks Arkham Asylum, you, the viewer, get to behold the Super Burrito.
- “Imagining rapping yourself to death.” “I’ll say something I want, and then spend the rest of my life sad that doesn’t exist.”
- AJ Vark joins briefly as we note that Grant Morrison has probably stated that Evil Supermen are dumb. Injustice is next week, guys!
- While exploring Arkham Asylum, I tell the story of how my mother was tricked by an opossum (they’re only good at one thing!).
- Ample Vigour heads off as it is confirmed that Superman is going to take a while to be playable.
- “There’s a burrito for all people.”
- Even Worse Streams is the only collection of streamers that can provide Newsies trivia.
- We got through Arkham! And unlocked a fight with Captain Boomerang! Which we are ignoring!
- The creator of Minecraft, A Caring Universe.
- “You do not have the tenacity and hunger of when I was renting games when I was 12.”
The only two people confirmed to have purchased Playstation Vitas are fanboymaster and I. Not the only people on this stream. The only people in all of reality.
- Finally! Two hours and forty-five minutes into the stream, we have playable Superman! Good job, everyone!
- And, having experienced Lego Superman, I wrap it up for the night. See you later, Lego Batman!
On the next thrilling issue of (fleshy) Superman: Injustice for all.
RE: BEAT’s Streaming Thing: Paramount Plus is indeed primarily for Star Trek, but much like Prime Video it is also a thing people might not realize comes with a thing. I got it as part of my Walmart Plus sub, which I keep active ‘cuz having groceries delivered to the home is much more convenient than enduring the hell that is navigating the grocery store and having to call a Lyft back home.
Anyway, the LEGO Batman games basically became LEGO Justice League starting with the sequel. I believe the third one explores the Green Lantern mythos a fair bit, though Superman’s still in it too. LEGO Batman also has Green Loontern from that one episode of Duck Dodgers.
I mean LEGO Batman 3 for Green Loontern.