It is against the central credo of this blog to spend three weeks railing against a franchise and its disastrous growing pains, so let’s talk about what Musashi: Samurai Legend gets right.
The enemy design isn’t that bad?
… But they’re basically Heartless rejects…
One unequivocal good change between Brave Fencer Musashi and Musashi: Samurai Legend is that M:SL allows you to “rapid cycle” through your various elemental abilities, and bop between your skills with a simple press of L1/R1. This is great! Both games frequently presented scenarios where you were asked to shift between your various skills, but only Musashi: Samurai Legends does it without requiring a trip to the menu every five seconds. This is clearly a situation wherein the designers identified an issue in Brave Fencer Musashi, and solved that problem for the sequel. This is an improvement, no questions asked.
And… uh… That’s all I got.
How many more nights of Musashi: Samurai Legend are left? Can I go back to Brave Fencer Musashi yet?
Even Worse Streams presents Musashi: Samurai Legend
Night 3
Original Stream Night: October 18, 2022
Random Notes on the Stream:
- Welcome back! Jeanie is here for the start of learning from the fish lady. Look to last week’s entry for a full explanation/complaint.
- Jeanie and I more or less discuss the Xenoblade Chronicles franchise as Musashi fights through a generic jungle. For timeline questions, be aware that this conversation occurred just after the release of Xenoblade Chronicles 3.
And then caliscrub and fanboymaster join from the surface of the moon… or somewhere equally echoey.
- “It’s beautiful that you think I’m paying attention.”
- “Are you saying all skeletons know each other? Like a racist?”
- Having now completed the game and looking back on it, The Crimson Gorger is the most interesting boss fight in Musashi: Samurai Legend. That is another point in M:SL’s favor! Two whole points!
- After conquering the boss and wandering around the mall, BEAT returns from slumberland.
- Thanks to the announcement of a mobile game for the franchise, Mortal Kombat, its spinoffs, and Shujinko are discussed.
- Ample Vigour joins as The One is considered. That is also a franchise with a battle pyramid.
- And then AJvark enters, too.
- “Paw Patrol: Zero Mission! Finally!” is uttered as we play Musashi: Spirit Tracks.
- And Screaming Red Skull joins the official chat as Musashi decides to carry around an amethyst.
- “He’s going to skank too hard and explode his pants. He had to reinforce them.”
- I miraculously save a gem after losing the fist one. If I lost a second one, I would give up, and the stream would be over. Forever.
- RWBY and Rooster Teeth are addressed. Rest in peace, Monty Oum, your franchise misses you.
- You heard it here first: I will never play Playstation 2 N.A.R.C. Somebody please hold me to that.
AJVark learns the word “chaste” today thanks to Cammy wearing pants for once.
- A discussion of the DCUTV “Arrowverse” ensues. I will reiterate here that Star Girl is a pretty good show, and works with the format’s ridiculous formula of “everyone lies all the time” pretty well. Teenagers do be like that.
- “Hard disagree. Rats are far superior to pigeons.”
- And then we close with a fight against a giant mechanical spider and anticipating Black Adam, the movie that would kill the DC Universe. If we only knew…
Next time on Musashi: This finale might be a little familiar.

Eventually something has to happen