Let us consider the parable of Fei Fong Wong
Fei had a good life. He was the talk of the town, a prodigious painter, and a friend to children and animals alike. Fei was not a violent man, but he taught others martial arts with enough skill that it was clear he had studied it prodigiously in the past. And what was Fei’s past? Nobody knew! Fei was a complete tabula rasa when he arrived at the village of Lahan. But even without memories of a former life, Fei was a good man, and well loved by all those around him.
Though being well loved sometimes causes its own problems. Fei had two best friends, Alice and Timothy, and they were pledged to be married. They both adored Fei, but this may have been a problem for Alice. She often commented that she wondered what would have happened if Fei had lived in the village all his life, and if Timothy had never been in the picture.
But did Fei take this opportunity to covet his best friend’s wife-to-be? No! Fei was a good, decent man, and still did everything he could to support his friends. He visited another mutual friend, Dr. Citan Uzuki, to secure a wedding photographer. Fei’s trip up the mountain to Citan’s home is perilous and wrought with danger, but he does it not to “win” Alice, but to be the good man that helps his friends. Who else was going to fight all those wolves? Dan of the extended forehead? Pashaw!
But things take a turn for the worse when Fei returns from his altruistic errand. “Giants” attack the town of Lahan, and these creatures are revealed to be gargantuan robots piloted by enemy combatants. Fei and Citan both work together to save the town, but Fei makes a terrible mistake when he attempts to pilot one of these robots. While in the cockpit, Fei witnesses the death of Timothy, and then things escalate as Fei enters a fugue state that ultimately leads to more fatalities, including the death of Alice. In the end, the whole town of Lahan can no longer bear to look at Fei, as his robot recklessness is responsible for a steep decline in the local population.
But what Fei does next is what makes him a good man.
Fei felt -the power- when he gained his enormous Gear. And, when the townsfolk banished him, he could have easily shown them the wrong side of a mechanical machine gun. But, no, Fei immediately forsakes -the power-, and listens to the pleas of the townsfolk. He exiles himself to a nearby forest, and lives the rest of his days without returning to Lahan. He tasted -the power-, but he did not desire it, so Lahan is a better place/flaming crater.
And is Fei rewarded for this act of sacrifice? Well, he immediately thereafter meets his soulmate and fights a real, live dinosaur. So you tell me.
So always remember the parable of Fei Fong Wong. He was a man that had -the power-, found it to be too much, and then forsook it for a better life with a cute redhead.
… Wait. There’s more to this story?
…. Hm. Guess there might be a few more updates…
Even Worse Streams presents Xenogears
Night 1
Original Stream Night: January 5, 2021
Night of Blazing Dragons
This “night” was separated into three separate videos, as I was trying to follow the success of the smaller Let’s Play chapters of World of Final Fantasy. Unfortunately, due to the length of Xenogears, this does not last past Night 3…
Random Notes on the Stream
- “This will only take three months.” Welcome to our irreverent Let’s Play of Xenogears! And the joke is on you, Prophetic fanboymaster, it winds up taking six months!
- Please enjoy giant karate robot fights. If you do not appreciate such a thing, this is going to be a long Let’s Play.
- Dan’s enormous forehead impresses us all.
Chrono Trigger’s Lucca is discovered after wandering around the village. The Zohar save points are not memory cubes. Shapes do not work like that.
- We explain Chrono Cross as Fei crosses the mountains. Funny that this winds up being posted only after the complete Chrono Cross Let’s Play… fanboymaster is consistently a Korcha and Funguy hater.
- As we get to Citan’s House, we note that the Final Fantasy 7 Remake is named oddly.
- Watch as a music box explodes. Is this an omen? No, of course not. Shut-up, Citan.
- And thus is the pastoral village attacked by… something. Did the directors think people would not recognize giant robots from 40 minutes back?
- Do not be a JRPG protagonist. Absolutely do not be a JRPG protagonist’s best friend.
- *Record Scratch* “You’re probably wondering how I got into this giant robot.”
This is chronologically the first time on the stream that BEAT compliments the opening of Spec Ops: The Line. Please see every other stream for more information.
- Foreshadowing for how experience points do not work with Gears right there at the start…
- Xenosaga and Star Ocean Part 2 have boring intros. Xenogears murders an entire town damn quickly.
- While making it through the forest, fanboymaster attempts to read a FAQ on activating deathblows. Let us never consider it again, and get some cheating going next stream.
- “Skies of Arcadia was definitely a polycule by the end,” is uttered as Caliscrub swings in.
- Hey, this was back when BEAT was displaced from his usual home. This has nothing to do with Fei and Elly exploring a forest, but is relevant to remembering how long ago we streamed Xenogears…
- Remember when Angry Birds was huge? Fei can fight some birds.
- Fei also fights a dinosaur as Caliscrub recounts how he beat Xenogears over the course of two years and two copies.
“The giant robot is my friend.”
- Citan and Elly have a heart to heart while married men discuss dating apps that scrape twitter.
- Elly runs off into the night as the Xenosaga – Xenogears connection is discussed.
- Which fighting game includes Jesus? It has nothing to do with chaos and Xenosaga.
- And we close with a discussion on the ancient archives of that one forum.
Next time on Xenogears: Meet the parents.

[…] ticks are probably influenced by this narrative more than anything else (other chief influences: Xenogears, Breath of Fire 2, Chrono Trigger… I would say that I need to write the story of a time traveling […]
[…] This stream was right before I officially started uploading the Xenogears streams! That one took a […]
[…] Xenogears is a classic, deservedly laudable videogame. However, no one can say that the final product was what was imagined when the project was initially developed. Some of its most iconic moments, from Fei’s continual chair warming to entire dungeons that appeared only as JPEGs, were the result of a game that should have been two “episodes” being compressed into a single title. Whether you believe ChuChu on the cross is something that would have happened if anyone involved had longer than five seconds to consider the theological ramifications is immaterial, we simply know that Xenogears as we have it is not the same animal that would have come from an expanded development cycle. Even tracing back to its origins as a potential Final Fantasy or Chrono Trigger sequel, Xenogears was forced to find its identity on the fly(ing robot). In short, Xenogears is great, but what we know as the final product “Xenogears” was totally an accident. […]
[…] it for Xenogears coverage on Gogglebob.com, folks! All posted a mere 780 days after we streamed our first episode of Xenogears. I told you it would finish eventually! Just like […]